Why bother speaking English properly?
Public Speaking courses and tutorials English has become an almost universal language. Around 1.5 billion people speak the language -...
Ontwikkel jezelf
Het Enneagram is een fantastisch middel om jezelf en anderen beter te leren kennen. Jezelf leren kennen is het begin van jezelf...

Minder is meer!
Half maart ga ik weer eens een weekje aan de studie!! Ik heb me ingeschreven voor een trainingsweek, die gegeven wordt in een prachtig...
….on what I would have done…
Bill e-mailed after reading last week’s blog. “It’s all very well you wittering on about problems at work, but what would you have done?...
…on “Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf?”
Sometimes it’s seems to be easier to ignore things and hope the problem will go away. I worked in a place where one of the staff had a...
…on the lost art of followership
Frances wasn’t a confident or demanding person on the face of it; she seemed to be a bit shy and awkward in some situations. The last...
…on needs, greed and needy people
I confess: I find very needy people hard to deal with. They drain me. When I see that invisible Welcome to my Pity Party sign on their...
…on power at work
Those of us who have to make decisions and manage people are always going to be targets: the boss is usually in the firing line. And...
…on work culture and teams
As we sat discussing the candidates, Sheila said it: “I don’t think this man will fit in. He’s able enough, experienced and hard-working,...
…on style of management
Some employers have a very limited and old-fashioned view of “the boss” as someone who took orders from the Directors, shareholders or...